One school sees him as the leading cheerleader for Toyota Motor ( TM), a laughing and smiling front man for a company that has been struggling more than usual the past few years. 有些人将他视为丰田汽车(ToyotaMotor)的啦啦队长,在过去几年间负责代表这家深陷困境的企业抛头露面,对公众笑脸相迎。
The personal computer is one of the greatest tools ever invented by man and almost everyone in a company these days will need to be able to use one to do their job properly. 个人电脑是人类发明的最伟大的工具之一。现在几乎公司的每个员工都需要能用电脑正确工作。
The reason for Disney's success are varied and numerous, but ultimately the credit belongs to one person-the man who created cartoon and built the company from nothing. 迪斯尼乐园的成功有许多原因,但是归根结底要归功于一个人,这个人发明了卡通画,白手起家,创建了这家公司。
Along with downgrading the insurer by one notch on Friday, Fitch reiterated its long-standing concerns with respect to key man 'risk in the form of the company's chairman. 上周五,惠誉在将这家保险公司的评级下调一级的同时重申,它长期以来对该公司董事长这一关键人物'所蕴含的风险表示关注。
One Swire Pacific man, 30 years with various bits of the company, replaces another ( 33). 一位在太古集团(SwirePacific)不同部门效力30年的人,接替了另一位效力了33年的人。
I was one of this man's employees – a young management trainee in the mid-1980s whose stint at this particular company was mercifully short. 80年代中期的时候,我曾是此人手下的一名雇员&那时,我还是一个年轻的管理培训生,但我呆在该公司的时间很短。
There has been no fixed definition of the legal position of one man company in the international affairs. 一人公司的法律地位在国际上尚无定论。
One Man Company and It's Application in China 一人公司及其在我国的适用
The Study on the Denying of Juristic Personality of One Man Company 一人公司法人人格否认问题研究
One man company is a new system in the new company law. 一人公司是我国新修订的公司法规定的新制度,自其诞生以来,便存在正反两方面的社会效应。
Therefore, through meticulous and rigorous argumentation, our corporation law experts and legislators has finally written one man company into the new corporation law at the third time revision of it. 在经过大量公司法专家、立法者慎密严谨地论证之后,一人公司终于在第三次公司法修订之际写入了现行公司法。
Research on One Man Company and the Disregard of One Man Company Entity 一人公司及其人格否认研究
To avoid conflicting with the multi-shareholder stipulation in Company Law, there are many de facto "one man company" s set up by using nominal shareholders in today's China. 为了规避公司法对于设立公司须有复数股东的要求,在现实生活中存在着许多实质性一人公司,而这些实质性一人公司的存在是不符合中国现行公司法立法目的的。
Thus, urges us in to acknowledge in one-man company valid foundation seeks positively protects one man company creditor benefit the legal method. 从而,促使我们在承认一人公司合法性的基础上积极探求保护一人公司债权人利益的法律方法。
The state-owned sole corporations and the sole corporations invested by a foreign person are the initial shape of one man company formally in our country. 国有独资和外商一人投资设立的独资公司是我国形式上一人公司的最初形态。
Because of the different treatment to the domestic capital and foreign capital and other reasons, causes substantive one man company's existence, company credibility debasement and so on a series of one man company questions therefrom, which pressing for legislative solution. 由于内资外资的区别对待等原因,导致实质一人公司大量存在,由此引发的公司信用度降低等一系列一人公司问题,亟待立法解决。
Legal Considerations On One-Man Company 关于一人公司的法律思考
For one man company in the form of the most vulnerable to the phenomenon of abuse of personality, so be singled out for analysis. 因为一人公司是诸公司形态中最易发生滥用法人格现象的,所以将之单独提出加以分析。
This theory has been effectively applied in many fields, such as one man company, parent company and sub-company, related business and liquidation for dissolution. 该理论自产生以来,在一人公司、母子公司、关联交易、解散和破产等诸多公司法实践领域得到了广泛适用。
Second it is for one man company loan behavior qualitative. 二是对于一人公司贷款行为的定性。